Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Natural Angiography

Natural therapy for opening the veins of the heart.
Please pass it to your colleagues or friends. 
 For Heart Vein opening:
 Lemon juice              01 cup 
 Ginger juice               01 cup 
 Garlic  juice               01 cup
 Apple vinegar            01 cup
 Mix all above and boil on low heat, approximately half  hour, when it becomes 3 cups, take off stove and let cool. After cooling, mix 3 cups of natural honey and keep it in bottle. 
 Every morning before breakfast  use one Table spoon regularly. Your blockage of Vein's will open. 
 No need now for any Angiography  or Bypass... 
 Please pass on this to your real well wishers... 
 Wishing you a healthy life.. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

I LOVE YOU ....................

I exist now dreaming in reality, shades of deep reds and grays,
Evolving at the speed of light
As my third eye sees all, I bring my fingers to my lips and time stops
I taste you.
I ponder you and wallow in the memory of your scent and way.

How you called me baby
The way you made me laugh
The way you touched my heart and made me

Unable to stop, it seems too wonderful,
but in the end there is not much but pain.
I allow this for some time, then I awake
and know that I am alive and the possibilities are endless.
Wanting you to taste my soul
and undeniably know that I am the one
and we are one to conquer happiness together,
unimaginably, the way you knew that we could
and will if you say one word,


Your fear. Your ego. Your pride. They protect and also hurt you,
keeping you from what is rightfully yours,


If I had your heart again?
Oh, the way I would touch it, nurture it
and protect it
My most sacred gift
God wants what I want,
he trusts me and knows my light is pure as he does you.
Say the word once.

The heavens will open up and the angels will sing in our praise

Because we chose.

Please don't be afraid, I am always here for you.

I Love You.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Fan Says            ------- Be cool...
Roof Says.....................Aim High
Window Says...............See The World
Clock Says...................Every Minute is Precious
Mirror Says..................Reflect before you act
Calendar says...............Be up to Date
Door Says....................Push Hard.

By Ishwari Rawal.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Rise in production of Agricultural products.

Recently i saw an advertisement which was promoted by Ministry of Agriculture stating that and showing that in last few years by the efforts of Ministry the production of agri. products have rised and we produced aprox. more then 2 cr tons of grains in this country. It means now we should not have any problem as far as grains and food is concern. Am i rite ? But real picture is total opposite to it. Still people are dieing cause of hunger in this country. And if there is so much of production or bumper production of grains then why the hell prices are not going down on the contrary its going up an up day by day. Again why people still straving of the food if there is such a bumper production ? why ministry is not bother to look in to this matter. what is happening exactly is there anybody serious about this ? i dont think so otherwise after having such bumper production country should not have any problem atall. It means there are loopholes in the system itself . and overall corruption is playing a major roll as a villain and nobody is bother about that. If there is a bumper production then where the hell it has gone? and when govt is having the figures of the production then they must be having the details abt where it has gone too. Again how much of it has been purchased by the govt. and what happend to that stock ? i have learned that govt is not serious about storing of the food grains because of which every year lacs of tons of grains getting spoiled and have to be thrown it away as a wastage. Imagine its the same country where majority of the people are not getting enough food and at the same time lacs of tons of grains are getting wasted cause of the loopholes in the system.
The moral of the story is minister of agriculture should not take credit of such issues but if he really have the heart to see the country on the top of the world he should try and see that each citizen of this royal country should get enough food to survive at affordable price.
Am i rite ?

Friday, August 22, 2008


I pray to lord bring peace, harmony to this royal country on the ocassion of ganesha chaturthi..

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

saare jahan se achcha hindustan hamara............

These golden lines were written by the poet with a great love for the country in the heart...but if the same poet would have been there in these days ... would he have dared to write such ? why ? whats difference between now and then ? there is a big difference..that was a time when country was first then everything . No selfishness was there at all , no hypocracy was there , there was a committment towards life, towards country..and that was a time where there were the leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai patel, Jawahar lal Nehru, and each citizen of this royal country at that time was not less then a leader himself or herself. There was a deep desire in every human being to do something for the country, were living for that.. and priority was to see the country on the top of the world and to get it free from outsiders.. For the leaders of that time they never required any security to move around in their own country although it was ruled by outsiders ...This what made great poet Iqbal feel to write such golden lines..... but now what is the situation of the same country .. which is now ruled by its own people.. which is the major difference ..........oh yes thats major difference in other sense.. previously there was a system now nothing like system exists. no moral value ... no petroitism .. previously country was first and everything for each and every citizen of this royal country, various now religion, self centered every one from leaders to citizens..previously country was religion now religion is country...previously hindus,muslims,sikhs,they got united and fought for the country and now they fight with each make the pieces of this country for which their forefathers had given their life...
The moral of the story is if we feel to sing these golden lines then we have to forget all the differences in between us.. we have to make country our reliegion.. no religion is greater then country....if we do this much atleast i think we are eligible to sing it...........i wish and pray to almighty to give me those precious moments in this see my royal country in such a shape where all are proud hindus, no muslims , no sikhs ......just indians..........JAI HIND....